December 31, 2018 | FDD's Foreign Podicy

Tunnel Vision: America and Europe’s distorted view of the Middle East

Episode 27
December 31, 2018 | FDD's Foreign Podicy

Tunnel Vision: America and Europe’s distorted view of the Middle East

Episode 27


Hezbollah supporters wave flags during a Hezbollah 'victory over Israel' rally in Beirut, Lebanon. (Getty Images)

Iran has a plan.


February will be 40 years since Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile to Tehran to lead what he called an Islamic Revolution, and begin forming a government committed to jihad. By the end of 1979, he was supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


What he and his acolytes intend has been stated clearly and with consistency by Iran’s ruling ayatollahs. They intend to destroy their regional enemies, establish a great new empire and dominate the Middle East.

They also intend death to America—that may take longer, but they’re not impatient, and they have friends and family to help. In particular, they have Hezbollah, Iran’s Arab, Shia terrorist proxy. Although based in Lebanon, Hezbollah is willing and able to fight beyond Lebanon’s borders, for example in Syria and, if they can, on Israeli soil—by digging under Israeli soil.

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria can only be seen as a victory for the Islamic Republic, as well as for the Islamic State, which may now have an opportunity to revive and rebuild.

FDD president and Foreign Podicy host Clifford D. May is joined by Tony Badran—FDD research fellow and Hezbollah expert—andJonathan SchanzerFDD senior vice president for research—to discuss the tunnel vision preventing so many Americans and Europeans from seeing clearly what’s really happening in the Middle East.


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Tunnels dug by Iran-backed Hezbollah have been found and destroyed by Israeli Defense Forces at Israel's border with Lebanon in Rosh Hanikra, Israel. (Getty Images)



Hezbollah Iran Iran Global Threat Network Iran-backed Terrorism Lebanon Syria